Virtual Tour of Canby

Welcome to's virtual tour of Canby, Oregon. The first set of around 150 photographs were taken on July 14, 2002, and the site became operational July 20. As the photo collection expands, you will be able to travel farther around the city and see more views at each location.

The tour was last updated 2016-09-16 01:09:50 and now includes
343 images and 108 locations

Instructions: When you start the tour, you will see a picture from Canby, a description, and two compasses. Click on the tree-shaped arrows of the move compass to walk to the next location. Click on the arrows of the face compass to face a new direction (up is north). If you cannot move or face a certain direction, that means there is no picture at that location yet. Click on the picture to view a larger version.

Choose Your Tour: You can take the tour with either 320x240 resolution images or 640x480. You can also choose whether you want the up arrow on the move compass to go north, or forward. The former makes it easier to get around, but the latter should be more immersive eventually. Please report any bugs you find in the tour.

Choose Your Tour Up is North Up is Forward
320x240 Begin Tour Begin Tour (recommended)
640x480 Begin Tour Begin Tour

Map of the first photography tour

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